Support our Skier Development Program. A message to the Black Jack Skier Development Community.
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A Message to the Black Jack Skier Development Community:


Support the Skier Development Program 

As many of you know, the Black Jack Skier Development program’s funding has changed this year. After 9 years of significantly bankrolling the program, our program sponsor has decided to change their contribution to help increase our program’s local sustainability. They are now offering to match the total funds that we can raise within our community.

Buy Groceries?

In a campaign to keep the Skier Development Program alive, we have expanded our Ferraro Foods fundraiser. If you buy groceries at Ferraros (Trail or Rossland), you can help us out. It’s a win – win scenario. For every dollar that you spend at their stores, Ferraros will donate 10% to the Black Jack Skier Development Program. There is no cost (aside from your grocery bill) to supporting the program.

Given the collective sum of our skiing community's grocery bills, the opportunity here is substantial.  And, every dollar donated by Ferraros will be matched by our sponsor – that makes for a total of 20% of your grocery bill being directly donated to the Black Jack Skier Development Program. 

The only catch is that you have to pay for your groceries with a prepaid Ferraro’s Card (just like a gift card).  It’s very simple to use and we have volunteers on hand that will make the whole system as simple as possible.
Team Black Jack at the Haig Glacier

Julien & Scott skiing at the Haig

So far this year, our community’s collective contributions to the Ferraro Foods fundraiser have allowed for our athletes to take part in a spring on-snow camp, a multi-club dryland camp, and on-snow glacier training, as well as day-to-day team training sessions in Rossland.

You can follow our racing team skiers as they prepare for the upcoming season at:

For Black Jack's younger skiers, our Track Attack program has been getting together for team training throughout the summer, and along with the Jackrabbits, will be ramping up the frequency of sessions come autumn.
Track Attack and Junior Racers hiking Mt Roberts on Canada Day 

"From Bunnies to Junior Racers, moving up through each level of the skier development program has never been a question of whether or not I was ready for the next step on a staircase to the top of the skiing world, but rather a progression of achievements that have flowed seamlessly together like a ramp to success."

~ Sage Robine
   Team Black Jack

Our goal is to raise $50,000.00 through this fundraiser. That's the equivalent of 85 families spending an average of $500/month on groceries.
Thanks to the contributions of our community, we have raised a total of $9900 thus far (this figure includes post dated cheques for coming months). While we are off to a great start, we have a ways to go meet our goal of $50 000. Those of you with friends and family who may be interested in getting involved, please spread the word. Supporting the Ferraros fundraiser is a great way to contribute to the success of the Black Jack Skier Development Program.

We would also like to encourage those of you who have participated in the past to join in once again. Every contribution (big and small) counts!
Hiking at Whitewater Cr
Daniel Merlo Ski Striding
Black Jack's Skier Development Program is a big contributor to our community’s “Nordic spirit” and to the fact that Rossland has the highest per capita XC skiers in North America.  The program is also strong component of our many grant applications for club infrastructure, such as grooming equipment, new and improved trails, trail lighting, and general upgrades. 

Michaela, Remi and Chiaki on the run out of the Haig Glacier
Reaching our goal will be a big team effort; one that we hope you will consider supporting. In contributing to our fundraiser, you will be supporting a program that has been part of our community for many year. Since it's inception, the Black Jack Skier Development Program has been teaching youth life long skills through the process of helping them strive for their goals. At the highest level, the program has produced national championships, World Junior & U23 Championships athletes and Olympians, and for all skiers involved, the program has taught them a sport for life.
Thank you in advance for considering joining this fundraiser.
Thank you from the team!    (Team Black Jack - Kaslo Training Camp)

How to join the Ferraro Foods Fundraiser:

  1. Decide how much you typically spend at Ferraro’s on a monthly basis.
  2. Go to and enter your order information in the signup form.
  3. Write monthly post-dated cheques to the Black Jack Skier Development Program for an amount that makes sense for you (more info below). Please date the cheques to the first day of the month.
  4. Mail the cheques to:
    • Box 2182
    • Rossland, BC
    • V0G 1Y0
  5. Once a month, the Ferraro Cards will be delivered to your PO Box or mailing address.
That’s it!  With a little bit of effort on everyone’s part, we can fund our Skier Development Program.  Remember, all funds raised will be doubled by our program sponsor.

Any questions, please call 250 231-9271 or email
  • The Ferraro Cards do not expire, so no worries if you’re out of town for part of a month. To make things easy, we suggest writing 6 months’ worth of cheques in advance, and ideally 12 months.

  • The cards are accepted at Ferraros in both Rossland and Trail
  • The cards work just like a gift card, and can be used multiple times until they run out. The max amount per card is $250. ie - if your monthly cheques are for $500, you will receive 2 cards per month.

  • You can cancel your participation at any time if need be, e.g. moving away.
  • Orders are processed the 2nd Thursday of each month, please make sure your cheques arrive in time (if not, we'll move your order to the next month).

Thank you on behalf of the skiers and families of the Skier Development Program
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