Yo Yo Camp in Rossland.
With all the unfortunate flooding and other damages in the Canmore and surrounding area, the Haig glacier camp was closed early summer not allowing us to do an early season Yo Yo camp. That being said, we like to think ourselves adaptable, modifying our training in the Rossland area. It’s quite incredible when in a pinch what you can make of what you have. However it’s not as if Rossland holds any limitations boasting the effervescent Seven Summits trail. Thirty kilometres of stellar sights can ease the pain of a long workout, though as Colin found out, not necessarily on the first couple runs of it. We had plenty of time to learn all the slopes and trees running it a total four times in ten days, though our skilled guide Julien knows it blindfolded anyhow. If that wasn’t enough, in order to complete a five hour workout each time, it required roller skiing afterwards. Which in turn, required heavy napping, an essential part of any athlete’s recovery.
Even with the heavy running hours, and long roller skis, we did make time for some fun, bringing dinner up to Nancy Greene lake one evening and flying off the rope swing and swimming across the lake. Couldn’t have asked for a better way to top of a few 20 plus hour weeks in a row!
~ Colin